Palembang Songket Handwoven Textile

Traditional weaving Tools

The songket-weaving is a traditional craft work. It has been known already since the Sriwijaya period. The materials utilized are usually gold and silk yarns. The original characteristics of Palembang songket can be detected by observing the motives on those textiles. According to the applied decorative motives and their designs, the motives reflects roses, chained stars, waves and bamboo-shoots. Several names of songket weaving are known as Songket Lepus, Songket Naga Berdaung, Songket Bunga jatuh, Songket Bunga Cina, Songket Bertabut, Songket janda berhias, etc.

Demonstration of the technique to use the weaving tools

The material are gold and silk yarns

Palembang songket sarongs are not used daily, but at certain ceremonial events only, e.g. at traditional (adapt), wedding, religious ceremonies. The songket weaving are available in the form of sarong, shawl and headcloth. In latest development songket weaving are produced for various outfits of divans, back and seat of chairs, table coats, bags etc.

Hand bags songket

Songket patterns may be categorized in a number of ways. Some motive of Songket patterns:

Lepus bintang berante
Limar bintang berante
Limar cantik manis
Kenango makan ulet
Batang kayu apuy
Bungo jepang
Biji pare
Nampan perak
Bungo cino
Bungo intan
Tabur limar
Lepus berakam
Cantik manis
Nago betarung
Bungo pacik
Tigo negeri